I'm moving again

"Life," John Lennon once infamously said, "is what happens when you're busy making other plans." That, my friends, is a pretty tidy summation of the last six months for me.

Judy and I had planned to make a fairly momentous move this year. If our plans had worked out as expected, we would have been working on the details of a trans-Atlantic move right about now, worrying about getting our worldly possessions from Atlanta to Spain.

Instead, we're planning a move that's a bit less ambitious, from Atlanta to the Research Triangle Park area of North Carolina. We've got a new home under construction and are scheduled to move in (checks notes) roughly three months.


The move to Spain fell apart because of due diligence, which is what I recommend you do whenever you're thinking about a major life change. We did a tremendous amount of research into what our lives would be like if we made the move to Europe. Much of it was going to be a huge improvement over life in the good old U.S. of A., but there were a couple of seemingly small issues that ultimately turned out to be deal-killers.

Anyway, that's the long version of why this newsletter has been resisting the urge to become a full-time thing over the past six months. I am pretty sure this move is going to occupy a fair amount of my attention between now and the end of May, and that calendar is really not conducive to a newsletter that requires a commitment to new content and a weekly publishing schedule.


For now this space will be on an indefinite publishing schedule. That will probably change come summer.

If any of y'all live or work or have connections in the Raleigh-Durham area, leave a comment and let's say hey.