Starting over

Welcome to the new home of Ed Bott's READ ME.

It took a little longer to leave Substack than I had thought, for reasons both technical and practical. The last thing I want to do is invest a lot of time and energy in a new platform only to have it take a hard right turn. Just ask A.R. Moxon, whose excellent newsletter The Reframe started out on Twitter's Revue service, then left for Substack after Elon Musk killed Revue, and is now at

The Substack expat community seems to have drifted in three directions: Beehiiv, Buttondown, and Ghost. After looking at those three options carefully (plus a few others, including WordPress and ConvertKit), I've thrown my lot in with Ghost Pro, which means I'm now paying a monthly fee to do what Substack did for free.

But as we've learned from years of web services, there's no such thing as a truly free service. One way or another, you pay. Ghost has enough of a history and reputation that I feel confident about the move.

I haven't seen any Nazis yet. Have I mentioned how much I hate Nazis?

I'm also taking this opportunity to restart this newsletter, publishing regularly, with the kind of content that's worth paying for. More on that to come. Right now I want to make sure this migration is problem-free.

Anyway, this is my new newsletter home. Hasta la vista, Substack.

Please say hello in the comments.